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2009.10.26 Welcome to this website's new location! I'd erroneously thought that GeoCities wasn't shutting down until *next* Monday, not today. Thank goodness their servers hadn't hadn't been closed yet when I tried to login and make edits one last time.

Unfortunately, the only thing new here right now is the URL. Let me quickly mention though that TWO-MIX is now officially on indefinite hiatus. Their last single "LIGHTNING EVOLUTION/I'M YOURS" was released in August and should be available for purchase worldwide via the iTunes Music Store. I'll try to make some time soon to add details about these tidbits and bring the site a bit more up-to-date.

With GeoCities gone and TWO-MIX on hiatus though, I suppose it means the end of an era…


2007.12.09 Some minor corrections to the discography section. Thanks to the visitor who pointed them out! Also, updated the entire discography listing and made a few additions to the "Related Works" section.

As an aside, the page markup for this site is such an archaic monstrosity that I don't have the patience to make major additions at the moment. I'm stripping <FONT> tags as I go along...


2007.10.16 Removed link to guestbook because service has been discontinued. Updated the news and contact info.


2003.04.21 Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm in the middle of rewriting the code for the site and it's a little tricky to make updates. TWO-MIX has been behind schedule in announcing new developments as well, so there hasn't been much to report either.

Last Friday, TWO-MIX finally announced the last of the details about their upcoming new single. I have posted a summary of this information at the TWO-MIX Yahoo!Group, so please proceed there to find out more.


2003.02.02 Updated the news.

I am currently working on a new version of this site. I wasn't originally planning on doing any of this, but when I was finally able to access my old lyric files last fall I started to think about how best to present the lyrics on the site, and it became obvious that I was going to have to start incorporating some CSS. Also, I am changing the focus of the site a little to make it seem more like a fan-site instead of the general information site that it currently is.


2002.11.12 Look! I updated... Check out the news. Also cleaned up some links, and some other sections.


2002.04.29 A Happy 7th Anniversary to TWO-MIX!! Updated the news, and made some changes to the discography and links.


2002.04.07 Go here to read my excuses for neglecting this site for so long. A tiny update to current news. Added some more information to a few discography items. Fixed a few messed-up areas.


2002.04.02 I'm back! Finally, after a long period of silence! I don't have time to make explanations at the moment, but those will be coming eventually. This weekend has been a mad rush to move the entire site over to Geocities Canada, before the main Geocities cut-off its FTP access for non-paying users such as myself. I use a Mac and the "easy upload" option that Geocities offers messes up my files, so I need FTP access.

Regular visitors will notice that not only have some visual aspects changed, but the information architecture has changed as well. I've been working on this renewed version for a while now, but frankly it's still not ready for show. Some areas are still being fixed, and there are broken links all over the place. Hopefully, I can get around to patching up those areas soon, but it is going to be a slow process. In the meantime, please check out what's up with our favourite band on the "News" page.

2001.09.15 On a global scale of things, it has been a shocking week. My condolences to anyone who was there, or knew someone who was. A belated update on info about the new upcoming album.
2001.08.30 Managed to get the lyrics up for "THOUSAND NIGHTS" as promised to Torturess Tea ^_^; Also, a re-newed "TWO-MIX News" section.
2001.07.17 More changes to "TWO-MIX News" section. Track listing and jacket cover image now available for both DVD and maxi-CD. Also, you can hear a clip of the new song.
2001.07.06 Minor change to "TWO-MIX News" section.
2001.07.02 "Happy Canada Day!!" to those of you who live here with me. Mighty nice weather we have here today in Toronto. Now if I only wasn't stuck at school. Again. As I will be for the rest of the summer. Those of you who are on summer vacation right now, count your lucky stars... Anyway, enough of my complaining. Some more updates to the "TWO-MIX News" section.
2001.06.11 Just some quick updates to the "TWO-MIX News" section. A special thanks to Eimi for pointing out Yahoo! Japan Music as a source of info!

2001.05.05 'Tis a joyous time indeed ^_^. A Happy 6th Anniversary to TWO-MIX as of the 29th of April! And a Happy Birthday to Takayama-san of the group as of today!

With respect to this site, updated the "News" section. Also, added something extra to the "Lyrics" section based on some comments that I have been getting from visitors to the site. I'd add a few lyrics, but no time...


2001.03.03 I shouldn't even be here right now, but anyway. One minor update. I've gone and removed the link to the bulletin board. My apologies to anyone who wanted to use it. It just so turns out that the service which was running the message board has now merged with Bravenet. I already have the URL to the new board, however the messages have become tossed around in the process of transferring data to the new server. The staff at Bravenet said they would fix it, but I'm still waiting... So, until all of that has cleared up, the bulletin board is going to be off-line. Sorry.

On another note, I'd like to ask you all in advance not to expect any updates atleast until the end of the summer. I'm working on a major project at school, and I *would* like to graduate with the rest of my class instead of later. How major you ask? Let's just say that my degree depends on it! So, I hope you understand the lack of anything new here for the next while. I *will* be back! Some day...


2001.01.02 A Happy New Year to everyone! I wasn't planning on any updates for the Winter holidays, but I got snowed in last week so look what I ended up doing after all:

  • main page - replaced with tentative one
  • news - track listing for "20010101" added
  • about - content added
  • reference - "who?" content added, all albums and one single added to discography section, "why?" content up
  • lyrics - translation guidelines, two new lyrics, some revisions of older lyrics
  • email - info page added, but still missing heading image (I can't find the original...)
...and other minor tweaks such as images, links, and javascript. On another note, I've noticed that some people are leaving notes for TWO-MIX on the bulletin board and the guestbook. I hope you realize that this is a fan-page and I'm not affiliated with them in any way ^_^. If you want to make sure that TWO-MIX actually gets your message you might want to leave a note at their official web-site instead. Just follow the "email" link on the main page of my site to find out how.

2000.11.26 Hm. Well, my email seems to working fine again, but now the message board is acting funny. I have written the people who provide the service and hopefully things will be back in order soon. I'm not sure when the trouble started but anyone who has posted within the past few weeks and have some pressing questions is recommended to email me the question. Not that I can guarantee a satisfactory answer... In the meantime, check out the updated info on the "TWO-MIX News" page.


2000.11.15 Hi all. My geocities email is having trouble receiving emails. Anyone wishing to get in touch with me, please email me at one of the following addresses: kaijyuu_m@yahoo.com or kaijyuu_m@hotmail.com. *Do not* use the email links on my pages since those lead to my geocities account. Sorry for any inconveniences ^_^


2000.10.31 Sorry folks. Unfortunately the updates this time around are rather minor and *way* overdue. I finally got around to fixing up all the broken links. No one should end up at a 404 page this time around. Hopefully ^_^. Oh yes, and the discography pages were bothering me so I rearranged them. So, nothing new is up in particular. I unfortunately don't have the time to do something that major right now, and probably won't for a very long time. I'm crossing my fingers that I will have some time during the Christmas break. In the meantime, I must get back to completing this semester in one piece... By the way, I am very much encouraged by the number of people signing the Guestbook. I thought TWO-MIX's popularity was on the decline over here, but obviously I thought wrong. Thanks for the motivation all!


2000.08.01 Holy smokes, it's been over a year since I officially updated this site... Anyway, here is the final look *plus* some translated lyrics and CD info. Oh yeah, and a pile of broken links and empty spaces ^_^. I've taken down the previous set of lyrics and put up the lyrics corresponding to the CDs which have been added. I am posting CDs and lyrics in the order in which I got the CDs, hence the current additions related to the "BPM 'BEST FILES' " and "BPM 'DANCE &infin;'" albums, and the "TRUE NAVIGATION", and "WHITE REFLECTION" singles which were the first TWO-MIX CDs I ever got.

1999.07.27 Yet again a new-look for the site. Hopefully, I will be happy with this one for a very long time...^-^; Also, some belated "new" information posted up in the "TWO-MIX News" section.
1999.04.03 I knew I forgot to add one other section to the site... TWO-MIX has broken their silence of over three months to announce their first projects for 1999. To see what they are, please go to the newly installed TWO-MIX News section.
1999.03.29 I dropped by this site a few weeks ago to check on it, and was horrified (and equally overjoyed) to find the counter well over 200. That was pressure enough to seriously start working on the site (along with the fact that I've had a little more free time the past week or so) and here are the current results. Both the entrance and menu page have been completely redone; the planned contents has been greatly downsized; and, as stated on the main page I hope to get most of the lyrics up by the end of the month. Getting the entire site up is going to take some time, but please come by here again to see if I'm up to anything new. Thank you ^_^
1999.01.15 Changed layout of site and pages in all sorts of ways. Site transferred down from main "/2725/" to "/2725/tmel/". BUT, no new content per se. Have read a little since last time but, still don't know much about html.
1998.11.02 Kaijyuu registers on Geocities and decides to try-out the "english-language TWO-MIX fan-site" idea to see how webpages work. Note, that Kaijyuu knows nothing about html. Most parts left unfinished for obvious reasons. Intend to come back (yeah, when?) and clean-up the unfinished pages, and try to put up some lyrics.
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the TWO-MIX e-library © 1998, 2002 Miyuki Mouse [ details ]
all site contents © 1995-2002 TWO-MIX and others [ details ]